7 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Commercial Cleaning Service In Singapore & The Services They Offer

Cleaning your company regularly may seem like a minor concern compared to other business challenges. Yet, surprisingly, germs in the workplace can be as big a threat as competition. According to WebMD, the average office desk can have 400 times more bacteria than a toilet seat.

This is where commercial cleaning services come in. These services specialise in maintaining high hygiene standards in business environments, using specialised techniques and equipment to ensure a thoroughly sanitised workspace.

Here are seven compelling reasons why commercial cleaning is important. You’ll also discover some of their services and how they can help your business.

1. Saves Time And Improves Employee Productivity

Hiring a commercial cleaning service can lead to significant time savings. This benefit directly impacts employee productivity. Instead of allocating valuable work hours to cleaning tasks, employees can focus on their primary responsibilities and contribute more effectively to the business’s core objectives.

Take, for example, a fitness centre in Singapore. These centres are high-traffic areas where cleanliness and hygiene are paramount. If the staff, including trainers and administrative personnel, are burdened with cleaning tasks, it can detract from their primary roles of providing fitness guidance and managing the centre.

By hiring a commercial cleaning service, the fitness centre ensures that its team can focus entirely on assisting clients and managing the facility, leading to a more efficient operation.

2. Saves Business Cost

Paying for professional office cleaning might initially seem unnecessary and could be better allocated elsewhere in the budget.

However, this perspective shifts when looking at the big picture. Here’s why.

Firstly, consider the hidden costs associated with in-house cleaning. If you’re managing cleaning internally, you’re investing in cleaning equipment, supplies and possibly even a dedicated staff. 

These expenses add up – purchasing high-quality cleaning products, maintaining equipment and training staff are not cheap.

In contrast, a professional cleaning service comes equipped with their own cleaning supplies and equipment, eliminating these overhead costs for your business.

3. Promotes Safety For Customers And Employees

Ensuring a clean and safe environment is essential for the well-being of both employees and customers, especially in an office setting. Professional cleaning services play a critical role in mitigating health risks by eliminating germs and bacteria that can cause allergies, spread infectious diseases, and affect overall health.

In an office, shared spaces like meeting rooms, desks and communal areas can quickly become breeding grounds for germs. Regular cleaning by professionals using disinfectants significantly reduces these risks, creating a safer and healthier workspace.

Clean office space also reduces the likelihood of accidents, such as slips and falls, by promptly addressing hazards like spills or clutter. This attention to detail ensures both employees and visiting clients are in a secure environment.

4. Creates A Positive Impression On Clients

The appearance of your commercial space directly reflects your business’s standards and values. A clean, well-maintained environment creates a welcoming atmosphere and instils confidence in your clients about your professionalism and attention to detail.

This is especially important in sectors where trust and reliability are key to client relationships. Clients visiting a clean and orderly office or commercial space are more likely to feel comfortable and assured in their decision to engage with your services.

A clean environment can subtly influence clients’ perceptions, associating your business with meticulousness and thoroughness.

Moreover, a well-kept space can also mark your commitment to excellence. It shows that you value every aspect of your client’s experience, from the service you provide to the environment in which it’s delivered.

5. Ensures Better Quality Cleaning

Commercial cleaning services in Singapore often boast staff who are thoroughly trained and experienced, ensuring a level of cleaning that goes beyond what regular in-house efforts can achieve.

These professionals are well-versed in various cleaning methods, such as vacuuming, wiping, pressure washing and wet cleaning. They also know about using the latest cleaning technologies and materials, like ultraviolet disinfection and green cleaning.

This expertise means they’re equipped to handle different office environments and surfaces, ensuring a deeper, more thorough clean.

6. Improves Indoor Air Quality In The Office Space

Factors such as dust accumulation, HVAC systems circulating pollutants, and chemicals from everyday cleaning products can degrade air quality.

This is particularly concerning in spaces like offices, retail stores, and hospitality venues, where people spend extended periods. Poor air quality can lead to health issues like respiratory problems, allergies and overall discomfort, affecting employees and customers.

Professional commercial cleaning companies can effectively remove dust and hard-to-reach areas like air ducts by employing advanced cleaning techniques and specialised equipment.

7. Extends The Life Of Office Furniture And Equipment

Businesses often invest heavily in office furniture and equipment, and it’s essential to protect this investment. Commercial cleaning services can assist in extending the lifespan of these assets.

Professional commercial cleaners use the right tools and cleaning solutions tailored for different materials, ensuring that furniture and equipment are clean and well-maintained.

Moreover, the regular maintenance provided by these services prevents the buildup of dust and grime, which can be particularly damaging over time.

For example, dust accumulating in electronic equipment can lead to overheating and malfunction. Commercial cleaners use specialised equipment, such as HEPA filter vacuums, to effectively remove these particles, thereby protecting the functionality and extending the life of these items.

What Do Commercial Cleaning Services In Singapore Offer?

Now that you know why you should hire a commercial cleaning service provider, it’s time to explore the various services provided by commercial cleaners in Singapore and discuss the key reasons these services are essential to your business.

Commercial Or Office Carpet Cleaning

Carpets in commercial spaces endure heavy foot traffic, accumulating dirt, allergens, and bacteria. Regular commercial or office carpet cleaning is vital for removing these unwanted elements. This extends the carpet’s life and ensures employees and visitors a cleaner and healthier environment.

In Singapore, professional cleaning services employ advanced techniques like high-powered vacuuming and steam cleaning, which are far more effective than regular methods. Steam cleaning, or hot water extraction, deeply penetrates the carpet fibres, removing stubborn stains and built-up grime and eliminating harmful microbes.

Dry carpet cleaning systems are also commonly employed, offering reduced drying times and minimal disruption to business operations. These systems use biodegradable compounds that lift and remove dirt, making them an efficient choice for busy commercial environments.

Upholstery Cleaning Services

Commercial cleaners in Singapore are equipped to clean upholstered furniture, including office chairs, sofas, fabric-covered partitions, and decorative items. These items, often used daily, can accumulate dust, spills and bacteria, which can detract from the overall appearance and cleanliness of the office.

Recognising the diverse nature of upholstery fabrics and their specific cleaning needs, commercial cleaners use pH-balanced cleaners, microfiber cleaners or dry cleaning solutions, among others. These products are formulated to tackle dirt and stains effectively while being gentle on various upholstery fabrics.

This approach also ensures that the cleaning process does not lead to fabric shrinkage, colour fading or other common issues associated with upholstery cleaning.

Disinfection And Sanitation Services

The rise in health concerns globally, especially with the prevalence of diseases such as SARS and COVID-19, has highlighted the importance of thorough disinfection and sanitation in commercial spaces.

These practices, while distinct, work in tandem to ensure a safe and hygienic environment for everyone in the workplace.

Sanitation refers to reducing the number of germs, bacteria, and viruses on surfaces to a safe level, as defined by public health standards. This is typically achieved through cleaning with soap and water, which helps lower the risk of spreading infection.

Disinfection, however, involves using chemicals to kill a wider range of pathogens on surfaces. This is particularly important in areas with a higher contamination risk.

While sanitation helps reduce the germ load, disinfection takes it further by neutralising the remaining harmful microorganisms. Together, they create a comprehensive approach to maintaining a clean and healthy environment in commercial settings.

The emphasis on these processes ensures that retail spaces are visually clean and safeguarded against health hazards, fostering a safer workplace.

Post-Renovation Cleaning Services

Renovations, while improving the aesthetics and functionality of a space, often leave behind dust, debris, and other residues that can be harmful if not adequately addressed.

This is where post-renovation cleaning services play a crucial role. They not only help to present a clean, polished look to the renovated space but also ensure that it is safe and healthy for occupants.

This specialised service encompasses a range of cleaning tasks tailored to address the aftermath of construction work. Key activities include sweeping and vacuuming to remove dust and small particles, wiping down all hard surfaces to eliminate leftover grime and paint splatters, and thoroughly cleaning floors to restore their shine.

Furthermore, post-renovation cleaning in Singapore often involves the disinfection of hard surfaces. This step is crucial in removing potential health hazards, especially in commercial settings where hygiene standards are essential.

Periodic Cleaning Services

Unlike daily cleaning, which typically covers basic tasks like sweeping, mopping, and trash removal, periodic cleaning delves into deeper, often overlooked areas that require attention over time. This service is crucial for businesses looking to uphold high standards of cleanliness and hygiene beyond the scope of everyday maintenance.

Cleaning that is done on a weekly or monthly basis is classified as periodic cleaning. The cleaning scope includes various specialised tasks tailored to address areas not typically covered in a daily clean. This includes high-area dusting, where dust and cobwebs are removed from hard-to-reach places like ceilings and light fixtures.

Glass panel cleaning is another critical aspect, ensuring that windows and glass partitions remain clear and streak-free, contributing to a more professional appearance.

Additionally, air vent cleaning is a significant part of periodic cleaning, as it helps maintain good air quality and efficient HVAC functioning.


While dishwashing may seem straightforward, its impact on commercial spaces’ overall cleanliness and hygiene is significant. In office environments, especially cafeterias or shared kitchen areas, the cleanliness of dishes, utensils, and kitchen equipment is critical in maintaining a hygienic workplace.

Dishwashing services provided by commercial cleaners in Singapore are designed not just to clean but also to ensure the highest sanitation standards.

The thorough washing, rinsing, and sanitising of kitchenware eliminate food residues and bacteria, preventing cross-contamination and foodborne illnesses. This cleaning aspect is vital in commercial settings where many share dining facilities.

Professional dishwashing services also contribute to a more organised and efficient kitchen, enhancing the overall cleanliness of the space.

Conclusion On Why Hire A Commercial Cleaning Service In Singapore

Hiring a commercial cleaning service in Singapore is a strategic decision beyond mere cleanliness. It’s about creating a healthy, hygienic, and welcoming environment for employees, clients, and visitors.

Professional cleaners offer specialised expertise in cleaning, from deep carpet and upholstery care to comprehensive post-renovation and periodic cleaning services. They use eco-friendly and effective cleaning methods tailored to the unique needs of commercial spaces.

Additionally, when health and safety are top priorities, services like disinfection and sanitation are essential for preventing the spread of diseases, underscoring the importance of professional cleaning services in maintaining public health.

If you’re seeking a professional commercial cleaning company in Singapore, ESP Cleaning Services stands out with its well-trained commercial cleaners.

Don’t hesitate to elevate the cleanliness and hygiene of your workspace. Request a non-obligatory quote today and experience the difference that professional cleaning can make in your commercial space.

Frequently Asked Questions On Why Hire A Commercial Cleaning Service In Singapore

Will Hiring A Commercial Cleaner Disrupt My Business’s Regular Schedule?

Commercial cleaners offer flexible scheduling to accommodate your business hours, ensuring minimal disruption. They can work during off-hours or weekends, tailoring their services to your specific needs and convenience.

Can Commercial Cleaners Provide Services Tailored To My Industry Or Business?

Yes, commercial cleaners offer customisable cleaning services to suit different industries, whether in an office space, a medical facility, or a retail store. They adapt their cleaning methods and products to meet the unique requirements of your business.

What Guarantees Do I Have Regarding The Quality And Reliability Of The Cleaning Services?

Reputable commercial cleaning companies often provide service guarantees and are insured and bonded for reliability and trustworthiness. They also typically conduct background checks on their employees to ensure the safety and security of their clients.

How Often Should I Schedule Commercial Cleaning Services For My Business?

The frequency of commercial cleaning services depends on your business’s specific needs, size, and foot traffic. Most companies benefit from scheduling once or twice a week, but more frequent services may be necessary for high-traffic areas or specific industry requirements.

In need of a reliable cleaning service provider?

With trained cleaners ready to work round the clock, you know you are in good hands with ESP Cleaning Services.
Call us at 6589-8409 or WhatsApp at 98377283 now for a non-obligation quotation!