How To Clean Warehouse Floors: For Concrete, Acrylic, Polyurethane, And Epoxy

In busy warehouses, dust and dirt accumulate rapidly, posing risks to both business operations and employee well-being. 

To combat this, a clean warehouse floor is vital—it reflects a safe and efficient workspace. Maintaining a clean warehouse floor also makes a solid first impression on potential customers. 

So, how do you tackle dust and debris on your warehouse flooring?

In this article, we list the best practices on how to clean warehouse floors, from concrete and epoxy, to acrylic and polyurethane. We also address common queries, ensuring your warehouse maintains its cleanliness and your business’ professionalism.

Understanding Your Warehouse Floor

Each type of warehouse floor, whether concrete, epoxy, acrylic, or polyurethane, presents its own characteristics and cleaning challenges. Read on below for more details. 

Concrete Flooring

Renowned for its strength and durability, concrete flooring is a popular choice for high-traffic areas in warehouses. Its robust nature makes it ideal for handling heavy machinery and large inventories. 

However, concrete is naturally porous, making it susceptible to stains and damage if not sealed properly. Sealing concrete floors not only protects them from stains but also makes cleaning more straightforward. 

In terms of cost, concrete is often the most budget-friendly option, but the price can increase with added treatments and sealants.

Acrylic Flooring

Acrylic floors are popular for their high-gloss finish, creating a visually appealing and moisture-resistant surface. This type of flooring is particularly good at resisting water damage and handling spills, making it a suitable choice for warehouses where liquid spills are common. 

While acrylic is less durable than polyurethane or epoxy, it is often chosen for areas where aesthetic appeal is a priority. However, it’s worth noting that acrylic floors can be prone to scratches and may require regular maintenance to retain their shine.

Polyurethane Flooring

Polyurethane flooring stands out for its resilience and high-gloss finish, which can significantly enhance the brightness of a warehouse space. 

This type of flooring is more scratch-resistant than acrylic and is known for its ability to withstand heavy foot traffic and machinery. However, it requires careful maintenance to keep its gloss and prevent discolouration. 

Polyurethane is often chosen for areas where both durability and aesthetics are important, although it can be more expensive than acrylic or concrete options.

Epoxy Flooring

Epoxy offers a seamless, non-porous finish that is easy to clean and maintain. Its resistance to oil, chemicals, and other industrial substances makes it ideal for warehouse handling such materials. 

While epoxy is durable and provides a smooth surface that prevents dirt accumulation, it can be susceptible to scratches over time. 

Epoxy flooring is often selected for areas that require a hygienic, easy-to-maintain surface, and its cost can vary depending on the installation process and the quality of the materials used.

Understanding these materials is crucial to implementing a cleaning strategy that not only cleans but also preserves the longevity of your warehouse floor. Ignoring the unique characteristics of each can lead to premature wear, less appealing aesthetics, and potential safety hazards.

6-Step Process To Clean Warehouse Floors: For Concrete, Epoxy, Acrylic, Or Polyurethane

Be sure to follow the right steps and prepare the right cleaning equipment and agents to maintain your warehouse floors effectively. 

Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • Industrial-Grade Brooms
  • Dustpans
  • Microfiber Mops
  • Automatic Scrubbers For Larger Areas
  • pH-Neutral Floor Cleaners
  • Hand Degreasers For Tough Stains

1. Set A Cleaning Schedule

Scheduling is crucial in maintaining warehouse floors. It’s vital to establish a routine that staff can follow consistently. Choose the right time to start cleaning when the warehouse is least active to avoid disrupting operations and ensure the cleaning is as thorough as possible.

Concrete floors, due to their porous nature, require more frequent cleaning to prevent dirt accumulation, especially in high-traffic areas. 

Epoxy floors, while less demanding, still need routine care to keep their seamless finish in pristine condition. Similarly, acrylic floors demand regular cleaning to maintain their high shine and prevent scratching, while polyurethane floors benefit from consistent care to uphold their resilience and lustre.

2. Sweep Your Floors Before You Scrub Them

Sweeping is a crucial step in cleaning. It eliminates loose debris that, if left unattended, could scratch and affect the quality of your warehouse flooring during scrubbing. 

For concrete floors, a stiff-bristled broom effectively removes gritty particles that can damage the surface. In contrast, epoxy, acrylic, and polyurethane floors require softer brooms or dust mops to prevent scratching their smoother surfaces. 

By removing this layer of grit first, you pave the way for a more effective and less abrasive scrub, ensuring that your cleaning efforts are thorough and protective of your warehouse floor’s lifespan.

3. Clean The Floor With Water And Detergent

Once sweeping is complete, clean the floor with water and a suitable detergent. Here, the choice of cleaning agent and tool is crucial. 

For concrete, a pH-neutral or concrete-specific cleaner is ideal for tackling tough stains, used alongside a mop or automatic scrubber for larger areas. 

Epoxy floors benefit from a mild detergent, ensuring the non-abrasive cleaner maintains the coating’s integrity.

Acrylic and polyurethane floors need gentle, non-abrasive cleaners to preserve their shine, and microfiber mops are excellent tools for these surfaces, providing thorough cleaning without scratching.

Finally, mopping should be done using clean water to avoid spreading dirt and should be performed regularly to maintain the hygiene and appearance of the floors.

4. Let It Dry And Apply A Sealant Or Wax If Needed

After cleaning, allow the floors to dry completely. This prevents slip hazards and ensures that any applied sealant or wax adheres properly. This is when the differences in floor materials come into play again. 

Concrete floors may require a sealant post-drying to protect against further staining, while epoxy floors, known for their non-porous nature, simply need to be left to dry to avoid slip hazards. 

Acrylic floors often require a wax coating after cleaning to enhance and protect their glossy finish. Polyurethane floors can also benefit from a specific sealant or wax to add an extra layer of protection and maintain their gloss.

5. Clean Up Spills Or Leaks Immediately

Spills and leaks can become slip hazards and cause damage if left unattended. Immediate cleanup prevents the penetration of substances into the flooring material, maintaining the integrity and safety of the warehouse floor, and here, having the right tools on hand is key. 

Oil Spills

When an oil spill occurs on concrete floors, immediate action is crucial. Here are steps on how to clean oil spills on different warehouse floors. 


Concrete, being a porous material, can absorb oil, leading to stains and potential damage. The first step involves promptly covering the spill with absorbent materials such as kitty litter, sawdust, or commercial absorbents that are specifically designed for oil. 

These materials help soak up the bulk of the oil, preventing it from penetrating deeper into the concrete. Once most of the oil has been absorbed, the next step is to apply a degreaser to the affected area. This helps in breaking down and removing any residual oil. 

It’s essential to thoroughly clean the area with the degreaser and then rinse it with water to remove all oil residues, thereby preventing any long-term staining or damage to the concrete.

Epoxy, Acrylic, Or Polyurethane

The approach must be slightly different for spills on epoxy, acrylic, or polyurethane floors. These floor types often have a sealant that offers some protection against oil but still requires prompt cleaning to avoid damage. 

The recommended method for these surfaces is to use a mild detergent or a cleaner specifically formulated for oil spills on non-porous surfaces. The cleaner should be applied gently to the spill, ensuring it does not damage the floor’s coating. 

After applying the cleaner, the area should be rinsed thoroughly with water to remove any cleaner residue. This step is vital to maintain the integrity and appearance of the flooring.

Chemical Spills

Addressing chemical spills in a warehouse involves a careful and informed approach, particularly because these spills can encompass a wide range of substances, including solvents, acids, or bases, and the response varies significantly based on both the chemical nature and the type of flooring.


For spills on concrete floors, the porous nature of concrete means that it can easily absorb chemicals, which may lead to damage or hazardous conditions. In the case of acidic or basic substances, the first step often involves neutralising the spill. 

Neutralising agents specific to the chemical nature of the spill are applied to prevent the chemical from reacting with the concrete. This step is crucial to prevent any chemical reaction that could further damage the floor or release harmful fumes. 

After neutralisation, the area should be cleaned thoroughly with appropriate cleaners to remove any residues and then rinsed with water.

Epoxy, Acrylic, Or Polyurethane

In contrast, when dealing with chemical spills on sealed floors, such as those with epoxy, acrylic, or polyurethane coatings, the priority is to use a neutralising agent that is safe for the sealant to avoid damaging the protective coating. 

The choice of neutralising agent depends on the specific chemical involved in the spill. After neutralisation, it’s important to gently clean the area with a cleaner compatible with the flooring type, followed by thorough rinsing with water to remove all chemical residues and neutralising agents.

Water or Liquid Spills

When addressing water or liquid spills in a warehouse, the approach should be tailored to the type of flooring to ensure effective cleanup and to maintain the floor’s integrity.


For concrete floors, immediate action is essential. The first step is to quickly mop or sponge up the liquid to prevent it from seeping into the porous concrete, which can cause long-term damage or create a damp environment conducive to mould or mildew growth. 

After the initial mop-up, a dry mop or cloth should be used to dry the area thoroughly. It’s essential to inspect the area afterwards for any signs of seepage or residue. If residue is present, clean it with a mild detergent, rinse with water, and ensure the area is completely dry to avoid slip hazards and long-term moisture issues.

Epoxy, Acrylic, Or Polyurethane

In the case of epoxy, acrylic, and polyurethane floors, which are typically sealed and non-porous, the process begins with blotting the spill with a soft cloth or paper towel, ensuring not to rub and spread the spill further. 

After blotting, apply a mild detergent or a cleaner compatible with the flooring type, ensuring it won’t degrade the floor’s sealant. Gentle scrubbing might be necessary, which can be done using a soft-bristle brush or cloth. 

Following this, the area should be rinsed with clean water to remove any detergent residue. The final step is thoroughly drying the area using a dry mop, cloth, or squeegee. This step is crucial to maintain the floor’s slip-resistant qualities and to protect the integrity of the floor’s finish.

6. Clean Your Warehouse Bins

Ensuring your warehouse bins are not overfilled is part of good floor maintenance. Overflowing waste containers can spread dirt and debris onto the floor, leading to additional cleaning needs and potential contamination.

Disinfecting Warehouse Floors

Disinfecting warehouse floors is crucial to maintaining a clean and safe work environment, especially in the current climate where high sanitation standards are essential. 

The type of cleaner and the dwell time, when the disinfectant needs to remain on the surface to kill germs effectively, depend significantly on the type of flooring.

Concrete Floors

It’s essential to use a pH-neutral disinfectant for concrete floors to avoid damaging the concrete. Concrete can be sensitive to highly acidic or alkaline solutions. Products labelled as safe for use on concrete and with antimicrobial properties are ideal.

The average dwell time for disinfectants on concrete floors is typically between 5 to 10 minutes. However, always refer to the product’s instructions, as some heavy-duty disinfectants may require a longer dwell time to be effective against a broad spectrum of pathogens.

Epoxy, Acrylic, and Polyurethane Floors

These floor types generally have a protective sealant that can be sensitive to harsh chemicals. Choosing a disinfectant that is non-corrosive and labelled as safe for use on sealed floors is important. Alcohol-based or hydrogen peroxide disinfectants are often a good choice, as they are less likely to damage the sealant.

The dwell time for these types of floors is usually around 5 to 10 minutes, similar to concrete. However, some specialised disinfectants designed on sealed floors may have shorter dwell times. Always check the label for the recommended duration.

Deep Cleaning Warehouse Floors

The necessity and frequency of deep cleaning in a warehouse largely depend on various factors, including traffic volume, the type of activities conducted, and the specific floor type, whether it’s concrete, epoxy, acrylic, or polyurethane. 

Understanding these factors helps determine whether a monthly deep cleaning is necessary or if a less frequent schedule, like quarterly, suffices.

Traffic Volume

Warehouses with high foot or machinery traffic, especially those involving heavy equipment or frequent movement of goods, will likely need monthly deep cleaning. The constant movement contributes to quicker accumulation of dirt, grime, and potential spillages.

Warehouse Activity

In warehouses where the type of goods handled is particularly prone to causing spills or heavy soiling, the frequency of deep cleaning needs to be more specific and frequent. For instance, warehouses dealing with:

Oils And Lubricants

If handling or storing products like oils and lubricants, which are prone to spillage and can create slippery surfaces, a monthly deep clean is often essential. This frequency ensures that any oil residue is thoroughly removed, which is especially important for porous surfaces like concrete, where oil can seep in and cause long-term damage.


Facilities storing or handling chemicals should ideally schedule deep cleaning sessions monthly or bi-weekly, depending on the volume and nature of the chemicals. This is crucial for cleanliness, preventing potential chemical reactions, and maintaining a safe working environment. 

For floor types like epoxy, acrylic, or polyurethane, which might react with certain chemicals, this frequent deep cleaning prevents the degradation of the floor’s protective coating.

Food And Organic Materials

Warehouses in the food industry require deep cleaning bi-weekly or monthly. Organic materials can decompose and attract pests, and frequent deep cleaning helps to maintain hygiene standards. This is especially important for concrete floors, as organic spills can lead to stains and odours if not thoroughly cleaned.

Specific Floor Types

Due to their porous nature, concrete floors are prone to absorbing spills and stains. In warehouses with high traffic or those prone to frequent spills, deep cleaning of these floors should ideally occur every month. This frequency helps prevent long-term staining and maintains the floor’s integrity. 

Deep cleaning every two to three months may suffice for warehouses with moderate traffic and lower spill risks. 

Specialised concrete cleaners are used in conjunction with power scrubbing equipment during deep cleaning sessions. These tools are designed to penetrate the porous surface of concrete, effectively removing entrenched dirt and stains from deep within the floor.

Floors with epoxy, acrylic, or polyurethane coatings have a protective sealant. However, they still require regular deep cleaning to remove accumulated dirt and grime, especially in grooves or textured areas where debris accumulates. 

Deep cleaning every quarter is generally recommended for these types of floors in high-traffic areas. However, a bi-annual deep clean may be adequate in environments with less foot traffic or lower risk of spills. 

The deep cleaning process for these floors involves surface cleaning and careful maintenance of the protective coating. This includes using appropriate cleaners that do not damage the sealant and employing equipment like buffing machines to restore and maintain the floor’s shine and protective qualities.

Professional Industrial Cleaning Service: Your Next Step

While daily and deep cleaning can be managed to some extent internally, there are compelling reasons to engage a professional industrial cleaning service. 

Specialised Cleaning Tools

Professional commercial cleaners utilise various specialised tools to ensure thorough cleaning and sanitation of warehouse floors. These tools include industrial-grade floor scrubbers, essential for efficiently cleaning large floor areas. They often use high-pressure washers, ideal for removing stubborn stains and built-up grime. 

For areas that require precision cleaning, they might employ detail scrubbers. Commercial cleaners also use heavy-duty vacuums, capable of handling large amounts of dust and debris typical in warehouse settings. 

Additionally, they have access to professional-grade steam cleaners, which are excellent for sanitising surfaces without harsh chemicals. Another critical tool they use is a buffing machine to restore shine to finished floors like epoxy or polyurethane. 

For concrete floors, concrete grinders are often used to smooth out rough areas and remove deep stains. Lastly, they are equipped with specialised mops and squeegees designed for industrial use, ensuring effective cleaning across various floor types.

Customised Cleaning Service

Professional cleaning services provide tailored cleaning plans that cater specifically to the unique requirements of each warehouse. This includes evaluating the floor type, whether concrete, epoxy, acrylic, or polyurethane, and analysing traffic patterns to determine the most effective cleaning frequency and methods. 

Their expertise allows them to focus on areas that need more attention, such as high-traffic zones or spill-prone sections, and to choose cleaning agents and techniques appropriate for each floor type. This ensures a thorough cleaning and prevents potential damage to the flooring.

Regular maintenance by these professionals can greatly extend the lifespan of warehouse floors. They are skilled at identifying early signs of wear or damage, enabling prompt intervention to prevent more serious issues. This approach not only maintains the floor’s appearance and functionality but also helps avoid expensive repairs or replacements. 

Save Time And Focus On Your Business

Outsourcing warehouse cleaning to professional services can significantly benefit your business by freeing up valuable time and resources. When your staff is not preoccupied with cleaning tasks, they can concentrate more on their primary responsibilities, enhancing productivity and efficiency in your core business operations.

Moreover, professional cleaning services offer flexibility in scheduling, ensuring that their work is done at times that cause the least disruption to your warehouse operations. Whether it’s cleaning during off-hours or accommodating specific time frames, these services can adapt to your business’s unique schedule. 

Conclusion On How to Clean Warehouse Floors

Keeping your warehouse floor clean is crucial for safety, health, and efficiency. Whether your floor is concrete, epoxy, acrylic, or polyurethane, using the proper cleaning techniques is essential to maintain its appearance and ensure a workspace that safeguards the well-being of your staff and impresses visitors.

If you’re finding it challenging to keep up with the cleaning demands, or looking for a more thorough approach, ESP Cleaning Services is here to help. You can achieve unmatched cleanliness and hygiene standards with our professional industrial cleaning services

Don’t hesitate to ask for a non-obligatory quote and see how we can help keep your warehouse floor clean.

Frequently Asked Questions About How to Clean Warehouse Floors

What Safety Precautions Should Be Taken When Cleaning Warehouse Floors?

When cleaning warehouse floors, it’s important to display caution signs to alert personnel to wet surfaces. Always use the recommended personal protective equipment, such as gloves and goggles, when handling cleaning chemicals, and ensure the area is well-ventilated.

Can Cleaning Warehouse Floors Help In Energy Conservation?

Yes, clean warehouse floors reflect more light, improving ambient brightness and potentially reducing the need for additional lighting. This can contribute to energy conservation and lower electricity costs.

How Do You Clean An Oily Warehouse Floor?

To clean an oily warehouse floor, first, remove excess oil using absorbent materials such as industrial-grade absorbent pads or granular absorbents. 

Then, apply a degreaser formulated for industrial use, following the manufacturer’s instructions for application and removal. Regular maintenance and prompt attention to spills can prevent the oil from becoming a persistent issue.

How Can I Ensure An Industrial Cleaning Service Fits My Warehouse’s Schedule?

Discuss your warehouse’s operational schedule with the cleaning service provider in Singapore to ensure they can accommodate your working hours. Many cleaning services offer flexible schedules and can conduct cleaning during off-peak hours to minimise disruption to your operations.

Is It Cost-Effective To Hire An Industrial Cleaning Service For My Warehouse In Singapore?

Hiring an industrial cleaning service can be cost-effective in the long run, as it can extend the life of your flooring, reduce the risk of accidents, and prevent costly operational downtimes. Professional cleaners also provide a level of cleanliness and hygiene that is difficult to achieve with in-house resources.

In need of a reliable cleaning service provider?

With trained cleaners ready to work round the clock, you know you are in good hands with ESP Cleaning Services.
Call us at 6589-8409 or WhatsApp at 98377283 now for a non-obligation quotation!