How To Deep Clean A Couch: For Suede, Microfibre, And More

Over time, tough stains, crumbs, and occasional spillages may tarnish the pristine appearance of a couch, be it in an office, hotel, or what-have-you. It may be a simple piece of furniture, but cleaning a couch should not be put on the backburn.

Thus, understanding how to deep clean a couch becomes indispensable. With different fabrics requiring unique cleaning methods, this article provides you with insights into the nuances of couch cleaning.

Codes Used In The Upholstered Furniture Industry 

Before deep cleaning your suede, leather, or microfiber couch without a machine, familiarising yourself with the furniture codes is essential. Below are different couch care tags that indicate the safe cleaning methods and products to use on the fabric.

  • W: Suitable for water-based cleaning solutions.
  • S: Solvent-based cleaners only, no water.
  • WS: Can use water or solvent-based cleaning solutions.
  • X: Must be professionally cleaned.

Remember that adhering to these codes safeguards your couch’s longevity and aesthetic.

How To Deep Clean A Fabric And Microfiber Couch

Fabric and microfiber couches are popular for their comfort and versatility. However, their textured nature often traps dirt more easily. Below are cleaning materials and a step-by-step guide on how to deep clean a microfiber and fabric couch.

Materials And Cleaning Agents 

  • Mild liquid detergent
  • White vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Soft bristle brush
  • Clean white cloth

Step-By-Step Guide

  1. Vacuum The Couch To Remove Loose Dirt: Before introducing any wet cleaning agents, vacuum the couch. This removes all surface dirt, pet hair, crumbs, and other debris. A vacuum with a brush attachment works wonders for reaching nooks and crannies without damaging the fabric.
  1. Mix Water And White Vinegar, And Add A Few Drops Of Liquid Detergent: White vinegar acts as a natural cleanser. Coupled with a bit of liquid detergent, this solution can help lift stubborn marks and neutralise odours. Ensure you mix these ingredients thoroughly in a bucket to create a consistent solution.
  1. Spot Test The Solution: Test the solution on a small, hidden section of the couch, perhaps under a cushion or on the rear side. This helps confirm that the solution won’t discolour or damage the fabric. Leave the solution on for a few minutes, wipe away, and inspect for any changes.
  1. Gently Scrub Using The Brush Dipped In The Solution: Dip a soft-bristle brush into the cleaning solution, ensuring it’s damp but not dripping wet. Use gentle, circular motions to scrub the fabric. This method helps lift tough stains without causing undue wear or spreading the stain.
  1. Wipe And Let Air Dry: Once you’ve covered the entire couch or tackled stubborn stains, take a clean cloth, dampen it with clear water, and wipe down the couch to remove any detergent or vinegar residue. Then, allow the couch to air dry. This ensures that no moisture is trapped within, which could lead to mould growth or a musty odour.

How To Deep Clean A Suede Couch

The luxurious feel of suede is unparalleled. However, it’s a delicate fabric that needs meticulous care. Read the recommended cleaning agents and guide on how to clean a suede couch. 

Recommended Tools And Cleaning Agents

  • Suede eraser
  • Suede brush
  • White vinegar or rubbing alcohol
  • Clean cloth or sponge
  • Suede protector spray

Step-By-Step Guide

  1. Gently Brush The Couch To Remove Loose Dirt: Use a suede brush with delicate bristles perfect for the fabric’s fine texture. Gently brushing the couch helps lift the nap and remove surface dirt, dust, or pet hair without causing harm to the soft material.
  1. For Stains, Rub Gently With A Suede Eraser: Suede erasers are specially made for addressing marks on a suede material without damaging its texture. If you notice any blemishes or light stains, gently rub them with the eraser. The eraser lifts the stain off the fabric, much like an eraser removes pencil marks from paper.
  1. For Stubborn Stains, Dampen A Cloth With Vinegar Or Alcohol And Dab Gently: Instead of rubbing, which can spread the stain, dampen a cloth with your chosen solution and dab the stain gently. This method helps lift the stain while minimising potential damage.
  1. Allow To Dry Naturally, Avoiding Direct Sunlight: After treating the suede, let it dry naturally. Direct sunlight can cause a suede couch to fade or even stiffen. Instead, place the couch in a well-ventilated area, ensuring even drying and helping to maintain the suede’s soft, velvety texture.
  1. Brush Again For A Smooth Finish: Once the couch is dry, brush it again with the suede brush. This final brush-up helps restore the fabric’s natural nap, ensuring it remains as plush and elegant as before.

How To Deep Clean Leather Couches

Leather exudes sophistication and durability. It’s a wise choice for spaces with a lot of traffic but also requires specific care. Here are some tips when cleaning your leather couch. 

Cleaning Agents And Tools

  • Mild leather cleaner
  • Soft cloth
  • Leather conditioner
  • Vacuum with brush attachment

Step-By-Step Guide 

  1. Vacuum The Surface To Remove Dirt: Before wet cleaning, always start by vacuuming the leather couch. This ensures that loose dirt, crumbs, and other debris are lifted off. A vacuum with a soft brush attachment is ideal, ensuring the leather isn’t scratched or damaged during this preliminary cleaning stage.
  1. Dampen A Cloth With Leather Cleaner And Wipe The Surface: Opt for a high-quality leather cleaner tailored for the type of leather your couch is made from. Dampen a soft cloth with this cleaner, ensuring it’s moist but not dripping. Wipe the couch’s surface in gentle, circular motions.
  1. Remove Any Excess Moisture: After wiping down with the cleaner, ensure no excess moisture remains on the leather. Take a clean, dry cloth and gently buff the couch’s surface. This not only helps in removing any leftover cleaner but also assists in preventing watermarks and potential moisture damage.
  1. Once Dry, Apply Leather Conditioner For A Glossy Finish: Leather is inherently a porous material, and over time, it can lose its natural oils, leading to a dull appearance or cracks. Applying a leather conditioner replenishes these oils, ensuring the leather remains supple. Gently rub the conditioner into the leather using a soft cloth, revitalising its sheen and giving it that much-desired glossy finish.

How To Deep Clean Cotton Couches

Given its organic nature, cotton is relatively easy to clean but requires gentle care to maintain its integrity. It is crucial to remember that while cotton is durable, it can shrink or lose its shape if subjected to harsh cleaning agents or intense heat.

Cleaning Agents And Tools

  • Mild detergent
  • Soft brush
  • Clean white cloth
  • Vacuum

Step-By-Step Guide 

  1. Vacuum To Remove Surface Dust: Use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment to ensure that all the surface dust, crumbs, pet hair, and other minute debris are effectively lifted. This step is crucial as wetting the couch with these particles still present can push the dirt further into the fabric.
  1. Mix Water With A Few Drops Of Detergent: Cotton, while resilient, responds best to gentle cleaning agents. Pour lukewarm water into a bucket and mix in a few drops of a mild detergent. Stir the solution until it’s well-mixed, ensuring a balanced blend that’s potent enough to clean but gentle on the fabric.
  1. Spot Test Before Cleaning: It’s always wise to conduct a preliminary spot test, especially on fabrics. Choose a hidden section of the couch, perhaps under a cushion, and apply a small amount of your cleaning solution. This test will reveal how the fabric reacts, ensuring no discolouration or damage occurs.
  1. Gently Scrub Using The Brush: Dip a soft-bristle brush into the cleaning solution, ensuring it’s sufficiently damp but not dripping wet. Use gentle circular motions to scrub the fabric, focusing especially on stained or soiled areas. 
  1. Wipe And Let Dry Naturally: Once scrubbing is complete, gently wipe over the couch with clean water to remove any detergent residue. Follow this by patting the surface with a dry, absorbent cloth. Position the couch in a well-ventilated space, away from direct sunlight. Natural drying ensures the cotton retains its shape and softness.

Tips On How To Deep Clean A Couch Without A Machine

Opting for a manual method can be particularly effective when addressing minor stains or aiming for gentle, precise cleaning. Manual cleaning allows for precision and control, ensuring the specific stained areas are addressed without over-wetting or causing potential damage. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide tailored for minor stains:

  1. Dust Off: Begin by brushing or dusting the couch to remove surface debris. This prevents any grit from further embedding into the fabric during the cleaning process.
  1. Prepare A Mild Cleaning Solution: Mix a few drops of mild detergent with lukewarm water in a bowl. Stir until it forms a consistent mixture.
  1. Spot Test: Before applying the solution to the stain, test it on a hidden area of the couch. Allow it to sit for a few minutes, then blot away to check for adverse reactions or colour changes.
  1. Treat The Stain: Dip a clean cloth into the solution, ensuring it’s damp but not soaking. Gently blot or rub the stained area, careful not to spread the stain further.
  1. Rinse: Once the stain has been addressed, dampen a separate cloth with clean water and gently wipe over the treated area to remove any detergent residue.
  1. Air Dry: Position the couch in a well-ventilated area, allowing it to dry naturally. 

How To Clean Couch Cushions

Cushions are more prone to spills and stains. Cleaning them separately ensures thoroughness. Here are some quick tips for cleaning cushion covers:

  1. Check Cleaning Codes: Before you begin, always refer to the cleaning codes on the tags of your cushion covers. These codes provide guidance on the best cleaning methods suited for the fabric, ensuring you don’t inadvertently damage them.
  1. Washing: Depending on the fabric type and the instructions on the tag:
  1. Hand Wash: Some fabrics are delicate and benefit from the gentleness of hand washing. Mix a mild detergent in lukewarm water. Gently agitate the water with your hands, allowing the detergent to penetrate the fabric, lifting off dirt and stains.
  1. Machine Wash: Place the cushion covers in the washing machine if the fabric permits. To prevent damage or excessive wear, use a gentle cycle and mild detergent.
  1. Air Dry: After washing, always opt for air drying. This prevents potential shrinkage that can occur in high heat conditions of a dryer. Spread the cushion covers in a shaded, well-ventilated area, ensuring they maintain their shape and size as they dry.

Conclusion About How To Deep Clean A Couch

Deep cleaning a couch in any commercial space is not just about aesthetics; it’s about extending its life and ensuring it remains a safe, hygienic place for customers or employees to unwind. If you’re unsure about the process, professional help is just around the corner. 

Looking for commercial cleaning services in Singapore that offer deep cleaning? At ESP Cleaning Services, we bring expertise to your doorstep. Contact us today to discuss your cleaning service needs and offer a no-obligation quote.

Frequently Asked Questions About How To Deep Clean A Couch

Can You Spray Lysol On A Fabric Couch? 

While Lysol can be used on many surfaces, always check the couch’s cleaning codes and conduct a patch test first.

Can You Shampoo A Couch? 

Yes, but ensure you use the correct shampoo for the fabric type, and always test a small area first. For microfiber couches, choose a mild detergent-based shampoo and avoid solvents. Suede, similar to leather, requires specialised cleaners; water-based shampoos can stain it. Always test a small area first and refer to the manufacturer’s cleaning guidelines.

What Type Of Couch Is The Easiest To Clean? 

Leather and faux-leather couches are easier to wipe down and maintain.

Can I Clean A Sofa With Water? 

Water can be used, but always in moderation and based on the couch’s fabric type and cleaning codes.

Can I Use Soap On The Couch? 

​​Mild soap can be used for many fabrics; however, always ensure it’s rinsed thoroughly to avoid residue and make sure to check cleaning recommendations. For commercial spaces, avoid using strong chemicals, bleaches, or abrasive solutions, as they can cause premature wear and discolouration, affecting the appearance and lifespan of the couch.

In need of a reliable cleaning service provider?

With trained cleaners ready to work round the clock, you know you are in good hands with ESP Cleaning Services.
Call us at 6589-8409 or WhatsApp at 98377283 now for a non-obligation quotation!