Reduce Workplace Absences with a Sanitary Environment

Being a business owner it’s quite natural to be irritated with a high rate of absence, but have you ever thought why it is occurring? Few people are not dedicated enough to their work, but when most of your employees are taking sick leaves, you should take it seriously. Mostly unhygienic environments, dust & uncleaned office premises cause several types of infections, so you should consider workplace hygiene as a prime issue. A hygienic and cleaned office helps reduce stress and prevent infectious diseases that eventually reduce sick leaves. This highlights the importance of our commercial cleaning services and specifically, office disinfection services in Singapore.

When your employees stay absent, it affects their productivity a lot as they work comparatively less than they are supposed to work. Business houses should immediately address this issue when their employees take frequent sick leaves. It doesn’t only affect the productivity of one person, but the whole team gets affected. When your teammates stay absent, you have to reschedule meetings and urgent plan making. It eventually disturbs the whole team’s work schedule.

Now let’s discuss how to Reduce Workplace Absences with a Sanitary Environment?

Implementing a hygiene policy; make a plan for maintaining hygiene inside the office with some rules that an employee has to obey to maintain the cleanness of the office. It will help you maintaining hygiene as well as it will bring discipline among the employees.

A clean bathroom is a priority; washrooms are the most used places throughout the day by several people. Keeping them clean is crucial as many infections occur due to the Bactrias growing in unhygienic toilet areas. To keep harmful germs and bacteria away, every office needs to have a clean and sanitized toilet. The Bactria that develops in the toilets is harmful and can cause a lot of health hazards.

A healthy kitchen; is vital to high-level hygiene in the kitchen/cafe area of your office. It is the place where your staffs consume their food, drink, etc. so, the kitchen surfaces need to be Bacteria free always, or else your employees can have severe stomach issues.

Provide clean persona hygiene essentials; make sure to make personal hygiene essentials available for your staff like; clean wipes, sanitizer, and tissues. Make sure that the handwash, soap, and other toiletries are always available in the office. By providing them personal hygiene essentials, you will get two benefits;

  • You will be appreciated as a caring boss.
  • Your employees will maintain cleanness easily.

Regularly clean office; employees spend more than 8 hours of their day in the office, and they deserve to work in a clean, healthy environment. Various people use office premises regularly, so it is easy to get infected if the premise is uncleaned. So, make sure to hire people or cleaning service providers who can maintain the office by regularly cleaning it.

Here are some Do’s and Dont’s as an employee to maintain

  • Do clean your work-station regularly by wiping it.
  • Make sure your cups & mugs are washed every day.
  • Use sanitizer.
  • Follow the company’s hygiene policy.
  • Don’t sneeze or cough without covering your mouth.
  • Don’t skip washing hands after using the toilet.
  • Don’t clean your face many times with one tissue.

ESP Cleaning Provides Various Office Cleaning Services In Singapore To Keep Your Spaces Safe, Secure and Sanitary. Request a free quote today!

Keep your office sanitary with our cleaning solutions. We clean every part of your office space, from carpets, upholstery, floors, windows, ceilings, bathrooms and more.

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