Vacuuming Tips: 10 Essential Points To Remember When Vacuuming Commercial Spaces

Maintaining a clean and professional atmosphere in commercial properties is essential for business success. It creates a welcoming environment for clients and employees as well as ensures a hygienic and safe workspace. 

Vacuuming is a fundamental aspect of facility maintenance among the various cleaning tasks. Today, we delve into vacuuming tips that are particularly beneficial for commercial spaces.

For commercial property managers and business owners, the vacuum cleaner is an essential ally in maintaining a clean and inviting workspace. 

It is particularly important in environments such as offices, retail stores, and larger corporate buildings where the appearance and hygiene of floors significantly impact client impressions and employee well-being. 

This emphasis on cleanliness underscores the importance of selecting appropriate cleaning equipment for different settings.

The variety of vacuum cleaners available in the market caters to different types of commercial spaces and their specific flooring needs. Choosing the right vacuum cleaner helps with effective floor maintenance in different commercial settings. 

For instance, office spaces benefit from versatile canister vacuums for mixed flooring, while fitness centres require durable upright models for larger debris. Industrial factories need robust industrial vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters to handle heavy dust and debris.

With our guide, we’ll assume that your commercial space already has a vacuum cleaner. If you are not yet sold on the importance of vacuum cleaners, consider this is your sign to get one for your commercial space. 

And to help you maximise it’s use, here 10 crucial crucial tips to keep in mind

1. Dust Or Vacuum First?

This is the big question that many people grapple with: should you dust or vacuum first? 

The most common and effective method is to start with dusting, using a microfiber cloth or duster to wipe down surfaces like shelves, tables, and windowsills. 

This step is important because dusting stirs up particles that have settled on various surfaces. Much of this airborne dust, not captured by a rag or duster, will eventually settle back down, predominantly on the floor.

Once these areas have been properly dusted, you can then start vacuuming. This approach ensures you capture the newly settled dust and the dirt embedded in the carpet or floor.

However, a final dusting is often necessary to ensure surfaces are completely dust-free, as vacuuming can still cause some dust movement. 

A smart tip is to shut the doors in each room as you vacuum. This helps contain any dust stirred up and prevents it from spreading to other areas of the commercial space, making your cleaning efforts more efficient.

2. Declutter Floors Before Vacuuming

Before powering on your vacuum, it’s essential to clear the floors as much as possible. This step doesn’t necessarily mean moving heavy furniture. 

Instead, it involves removing smaller items and clutter like shoes, bags, or office supplies, especially in offices or meeting rooms.

Taking a few moments to pick up these objects makes the vacuuming process quicker and more efficient and prevents accidents. 

Vacuuming over random items can damage both the objects themselves and the vacuum cleaner. For example, a stray bag strap getting sucked into the vacuum can cause significant harm to its internal mechanisms.

This tip may seem straightforward, yet it’s often overlooked, leading to avoidable complications. It’s particularly crucial in environments with high foot traffic, where debris is likely to be on the floor. 

3. Work Your Way Around The Room Systematically

How you start and carry out your vacuuming is really important, especially in commercial spaces. Begin in the farthest corner of the room and strategically work your way towards the entrance, moving from back to front and top to bottom. 

This approach ensures that every inch of the floor is covered and prevents walking over areas that have already been cleaned.

In commercial settings like office buildings, conference rooms, or hotel lobbies, it’s important to overlap each back-and-forth pass with the vacuum. This overlapping technique guarantees no missed spots and that the carpet or flooring is evenly cleaned. 

Also, pay special attention to the edges and corners of each room. These spots are often neglected yet tend to accumulate significant amounts of dust and dirt.

For these hard-to-reach areas, utilise smaller vacuum attachments, such as crevice tools or nozzle attachments. These tools are designed to be long and slim, making them perfect for getting into tight spaces and ensuring that all debris is effectively removed. 

By meticulously covering every part of the room, including edges and corners, you ensure thorough cleanliness that maintains the high standards expected in commercial environments.

4. Focus On High-Traffic And Hard-To-Clean Areas

Prioritising high-traffic and hard-to-clean areas is essential for maintaining a pristine environment. Spaces such as entrance halls, lobbies, and corridors in commercial buildings like offices, hotels, or retail stores are hotspots for dirt accumulation. 

These areas should be the focal point of your regular vacuuming routine to manage the buildup of dirt and debris.

Additionally, it’s important to pay special attention to areas that are often overlooked, such as under heavy furniture, around corners, and beneath fixtures. This could mean manoeuvring reception desks or display units in retail spaces. 

You also shouldn’t forget areas like vents, baseboards, or under radiators, which are even more overlooked thanks to being out of reach. Vacuuming crevices between booths and under tables in a restaurant can make a significant difference, too.

These spots tend to harbour dust and grime that, if not regularly addressed, can contribute to a decline of the air quality of the space and detract from the overall visual appeal of the environment.

Specific vacuum attachments are must-haves to efficiently clean these areas:

  • Crevice Tool: This long, narrow attachment is perfect for getting into tight corners and edges, such as along baseboards or between furniture. It’s ideal for reaching typically inaccessible areas with a standard vacuum head.
  • Upholstery Brush: In commercial settings with upholstered furniture, like lounge areas in hotels or office waiting rooms, an upholstery brush attachment can effectively remove dust and debris from fabric surfaces without causing damage.
  • Dusting Brush: This attachment has soft bristles and is used for gently cleaning delicate surfaces, such as blinds, lampshades, or intricate fixtures often found in commercial properties.
  • Extension Wand: This tool is essential for reaching high areas, such as vents, ceiling corners, or the top of tall furniture, ensuring that all parts of the commercial space are well-maintained.
  • Floor Brush: For cleaning hardwood floors, a floor brush attachment with stiff bristles can effectively remove dirt and grime without scratching the surface. This is particularly useful in retail stores or office spaces with hardwood or tile floors.

By utilising these specialised vacuum attachments, hard-to-reach areas and high-traffic spots in commercial properties can be thoroughly cleaned, ensuring a comprehensive and efficient cleaning process.

5. Establish A Regular Vacuuming Schedule

Creating and adhering to a regular vacuuming schedule is a fundamental aspect of maintaining a clean and inviting commercial property. The frequency and timing of vacuuming sessions should be tailored to each commercial space’s specific needs and traffic patterns. 

For instance, a bustling retail store with daily customer foot traffic will benefit from vacuuming every evening after closing hours to address the day’s accumulation of dirt and debris. This ensures the store presents a fresh and clean environment for customers daily.

In contrast, an office space with moderate use may only require vacuuming once every few weeks, focusing on meeting rooms, common areas, and employee workstations. However, if the office includes spaces like a cafeteria or break room where food is consumed, these areas might need more frequent attention.

A more rigorous vacuuming schedule is necessary for facilities such as schools or nursing homes, where cleanliness directly impacts health and safety. These spaces might require daily or even multiple daily cleanings in high-use areas.

Additionally, it’s important to adjust the vacuuming schedule based on seasonal changes or special events. For example, entrance areas and hallways might need more frequent cleaning during winter or rainy seasons due to increased mud and moisture.

6. Adjust Vacuum Settings For Optimal Cleaning 

Properly adjusting the settings of your vacuum cleaner is necessary for effective cleaning in commercial environments. For instance, in areas with delicate flooring, like boutiques or showrooms, set your vacuum to a gentle suction mode to protect ornate carpets or rugs from damage. 

On the other hand, in high-traffic spaces such as conference centres with tough, durable carpets, using a strong suction setting ensures deeper cleaning to remove dirt embedded within the carpet fibres.

In multi-purpose commercial spaces with varying types of flooring, it’s important to adjust the vacuum settings as you transition from one area to another. For hard floors like hardwood or tile, select a setting that enhances suction while minimising brush roll speed to prevent scratching. 

For carpets, particularly those with a higher pile, increase the brush roll speed to lift and remove embedded dirt effectively.

Avoid using the regular brush head when cleaning thick, shaggy rugs often found in lounge areas or luxury suites, as they can get clogged. 

Instead, use a nozzle or upholstery attachment for these types of rugs. For removable rugs, an initial shake outdoors to dislodge debris, followed by vacuuming with the appropriate attachment, can significantly enhance the cleaning process. 

If such attachments are not available, consider using a soft-bristled broom or a carpet sweeper to gently loosen and remove debris from the rug’s surface.

Adjusting your vacuum cleaner’s settings for each specific surface ensures thorough cleaning and helps maintain the integrity and appearance of various flooring types in your commercial property.

7. Regularly Change The Vacuum Bag Or Empty The Canister

Maintaining a vacuum in optimum performance when regularly used in commercial settings, such as hotels, offices, or retail spaces, necessitates regular replacement or emptying of the vacuum bag or canister. 

As the bag or canister fills up, the vacuum’s suction power and overall efficiency decrease, making it less effective in cleaning large, high-traffic areas.

For bagged vacuum cleaners, such as the Hoover WindTunnel series, it’s best to replace the bag when it’s about three-quarters full. This prevents issues like reduced suction and clogging areas.

In contrast, a bagless vacuum cleaner, such as the Dyson V-series, requires frequent emptying of the canister. Ideally, the canister should be emptied after each use, particularly in busy commercial environments where the vacuum collects more debris. Regularly emptying the canister maintains the vacuum’s peak efficiency and cleaning power.

Additionally, regular cleaning of the vacuum cleaner itself, including the filter and cylinder, is essential to prolong the life of the vacuum cleaner. Rinsing these components with warm water can remove any build-up and eliminate musty odours, enhancing the vacuum’s suction power.

8. You Can Vacuum More Than the Floor or Carpets

Using a vacuum cleaner extends beyond just floors and carpets. Upholstery, such as sofas, chairs, and fabric-covered partitions, also accumulate dust and debris and can benefit greatly from regular vacuuming.

When vacuuming upholstery in commercial settings like office lounges, hotel lobbies, or waiting areas in healthcare facilities, it’s essential to use the appropriate attachments. 

For instance, an upholstery brush attachment is ideal for gently yet effectively cleaning fabric-covered furniture. This attachment is designed to lift and remove dust, crumbs, and allergens from the fabric without causing damage.

Additionally, consider using a crevice tool for hard-to-reach areas of the upholstery, such as seams, folds, and the edges where the back and seat meet. This tool is particularly effective in extracting accumulated debris from these tight spaces.

For more delicate upholstery fabrics, like silk or linen, it’s advisable to use a low suction setting to avoid any potential damage. Conversely, a higher suction setting can be employed for a deeper clean for more durable materials like synthetic fibres or leather.

In commercial properties with a significant amount of upholstered furniture, such as a large office complex or a convention centre, an upholstery cleaning should be part of the regular cleaning routine. 

This helps maintain the furniture’s aesthetics and longevity and contributes to the overall hygiene and air quality of the space.

Remember, while vacuuming floors and carpets is a primary focus, extending this cleaning practice to upholstery ensures a comprehensive approach to maintaining a clean and welcoming commercial environment.

9. Forward And Back Vacuuming Technique

Believe it or not, there is indeed a correct technique for vacuuming, and it plays an important role in the effectiveness of your cleaning, especially in commercial spaces. 

The forward and back motion isn’t just a random action; it’s a strategic method designed to maximise the vacuum cleaner’s ability to dislodge and pick up dirt and debris.

This back-and-forth motion is key to loosening and capturing dirt embedded in carpets or on hard floors. It’s essential to push the vacuum forward with more force and then pull it back towards you. 

Many people unknowingly focus more energy on the backward pull, but it’s the forward push where the most effective cleaning happens. 

Vacuum cleaners are designed to perform better when pushed forward faster than when pulled back. This motion ensures deeper penetration into carpet fibres and more thorough cleaning on hard surfaces.

Using this technique correctly in commercial environments like office buildings, retail stores, or event venues, where the flooring endures heavy foot traffic and accumulates more dirt, is even more critical. 

By emphasising the forward motion, you ensure that the vacuum’s brushes and suction effectively agitate and remove the dirt, resulting in a cleaner and more hygienic surface.

So, when you’re vacuuming your commercial space, remember to put more energy into pushing your vacuum forward and less on pulling it back. This small adjustment in your vacuuming technique can significantly affect the cleanliness and appearance of your property’s floors.

10. Hire A Professional Commercial Cleaner

While regular vacuuming and basic cleaning can be managed internally, there are significant benefits to hiring a professional commercial cleaner for more comprehensive and deep cleaning.

Professional cleaners focus on deep carpet cleaning, thorough sanitisation of high-touch areas, and meticulous cleaning of hard-to-reach spots, ensuring every corner of your property is properly maintained. 

This level of deep cleaning not only enhances the appearance of your space but is also essential for the health and safety of everyone who uses it.

In addition, the frequency and scheduling of professional cleaning services are key components of maintaining a consistently high standard of cleanliness. Professional cleaners can tailor their services to fit your business operations, minimising disruption. 

Whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly deep cleaning, these scheduled sessions are integral to preserving the materials and surfaces in your space.

Conclusion About Vacuuming Tips For Commercial Spaces

Following these vacuuming tips can significantly enhance the cleanliness and upkeep of your commercial space. From mastering the correct vacuuming technique to understanding the importance of adjusting vacuum settings for different surfaces, each tip contributes to a more efficient and effective cleaning process. 

Regularly changing vacuum bags or emptying canisters, focusing on high-traffic areas, and ensuring upholstery is not overlooked are all essential practices. 

Additionally, the role of professional commercial cleaners cannot be overstated, especially when it comes to deep cleaning and maintaining the overall hygiene of your property.

If you’re seeking expert assistance to keep your commercial space in top condition, ESP Cleaning Services is here to help. We understand the intricacies of commercial cleaning and offer customised solutions to meet your specific needs. 

Don’t hesitate to request a non-obligatory quote and take the first step towards a cleaner, healthier, and more welcoming commercial environment. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Vacuuming Tips For Commercial Spaces

Isn’t It More Cost-Effective To Handle Vacuuming Internally Rather Than Hiring A Professional Commercial Cleaner?

While handling vacuuming internally might seem more cost-effective initially, professional cleaners bring long-term value. They use advanced techniques and equipment that provide deeper cleaning, reducing the frequency of costly repairs and replacements of carpets and upholstery. This in-depth cleaning also contributes to a healthier environment, potentially reducing sick days and increasing productivity.

Will Professional Cleaners Be Able To Accommodate The Specific Vacuuming Needs Of My Unique Commercial Space?

As professional commercial cleaners, we tailor our services to meet the unique requirements of each space. To develop a customised cleaning plan, we assess factors like foot traffic, flooring type, and business hours. This ensures that their vacuuming and cleaning methods align perfectly with your commercial space’s specific needs.

Can Professional Commercial Cleaners Provide A Deeper Clean Than My Regular Staff Using The Same Vacuuming Equipment?

Professional commercial cleaners use advanced vacuuming equipment that often surpasses the capabilities of standard models. 

Their high-grade vacuums have stronger suction, better filtration systems, and specialised attachments, allowing for a more thorough and efficient cleaning. This ensures that even deeply embedded dirt and allergens are effectively removed.

Are Professional Commercial Cleaning Services Disruptive To My Business Operations?

Professionals understand the importance of minimising disruption to your business operations. Their teams can work outside of your peak business hours or during designated times that suit you best. 

They strive to provide efficient cleaning without compromising your business activities, ensuring a clean environment without inconvenience.

How Does Professional Vacuuming Contribute To The Overall Lifespan Of My Commercial Flooring?

Regular and professional vacuuming is crucial in extending the lifespan of commercial flooring. Professional cleaners use the right techniques and equipment to thoroughly remove dirt, dust, and debris that can wear down carpet fibres and damage hard flooring over time. 

This preventive maintenance keeps the flooring in optimal condition and helps avoid the high costs associated with replacing worn-out flooring. By investing in professional vacuuming services, you’re not just maintaining cleanliness but also protecting and prolonging your flooring investment.

In need of a reliable cleaning service provider?

With trained cleaners ready to work round the clock, you know you are in good hands with ESP Cleaning Services.
Call us at 6589-8409 or WhatsApp at 98377283 now for a non-obligation quotation!